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Do you know this feeling? The pressure at work and the demands of your family demand everything from you, and at the end of the day your diet suffers. Heavy, fatty or protein-rich meals in the evening make it hard to get out of bed. You could even sleep straight after lunch, but you just can't sleep in the evening?
What makes our product special? While many other solutions only aim for short-term relaxation, the Healthy Sleep Package from Heilarzneihaus offers comprehensive, holistic support. Our high-quality vital substances are specifically designed to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep , regulate your sleep-wake rhythm and thus improve your sleep quality in a natural way. In addition, the Healthy Sleep Nutrition Plan supports you in changing your diet to be healthy in the long term - light, delicious and filling .
The solution: With the Healthy Sleep Package, you receive a tailor-made combination of vital substances and a nutrition plan that will help you to finally fall asleep relaxed and wake up refreshed. Take the first step towards a restful night and a vital morning!
Health claims (according to EFSA)
- Helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep (Zhdanova et al., 1996).
- Helps regulate the circadian rhythm (Sack et al., 2007).
- Improves the sleep-wake cycle (Cajochen et al., 2003).
- Improves sleep quality and helps you fall asleep naturally (Giménez et al., 2007).
- Contributes to the maintenance of normal sleep (Hirshkowitz et al., 2015).
- Helps improve mood (Young, 2007).
- Helps to alleviate the subjective sensation of jet lag (Waterhouse et al., 2007).
- To maintain normal psychological functions (Benton, 2002).
- Zhdanova, IV, et al. (1996). "Melatonin treatment for age-related insomnia." Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
- Sack, R.L., et al. (2007). "Circadian rhythm sleep disorders: Part II, advanced sleep phase disorder." Sleep.
- Cajochen, C., et al. (2003). "Evening administration of melatonin and bright light: Interactions on the EEG during sleep and wakefulness." Journal of Sleep Research.
- Giménez, MC, et al. (2007). "Effects of a pharmacological dose of melatonin on daytime sleep and performance after a delayed period of sleep during the night." Clinical Endocrinology.
- Hirshkowitz, M., et al. (2015). "National Sleep Foundation's sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary." Sleep Health.
- Young, S.N. (2007). "How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs." Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience.
- Waterhouse, J., et al. (2007). "Jet lag: Trends and coping strategies." Lancet.
Advantage package content
- 1x Melatonin + Magnesium
- 1x Magnesium 6-fold complex
- 1x B-complex high dose
- 1x L-Tryptophan pure base
- 1x Vitamin D3 + K2 drops 1000 IU
- 1x Healthy Sleep Nutrition Plan
- Completely tailor-made
- 63 healthy and balanced dishes
- 4 shopping lists for 4 weeks
- Suitable for everyday use and inspiring
- Short cooking times with simple recipes
- Pictorial representation of the recipes for easy understanding
Sustainability - Transparency & Purity
We at Heilarzneihaus are committed to offering you only the best quality .
- Free from all other additives and excipients
- 100% declaration - all ingredients on the label
- We do not use any hidden, undeclared additives
- Without release agents such as magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide
- Without dyes such as titanium oxide
- Without sweeteners such as aspartame, dextrose or sugar substitutes
- Without gelling agents such as carrageenan
- Without binding agents such as PEG
- Without artificial preservatives such as sorbic acid
- Free of nanoparticles
- Free from allergens and incompatible substances (lactose, gluten, histamine)
- Vegan
- Without genetic engineering
- Manufactured in automatic machines with low running speeds, low pressure and low temperatures for optimal preservation of nutrients
Duration of intake
Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist, we recommend taking it regularly.
Gesundheitsaussagen (gem. EFSA)
Trägt dazu bei, die Einschlafzeit zu verkürzen (Zhdanova et al., 1996).
Hilft bei der Regulierung des Tagesrhythmus (Sack et al., 2007).
Verbessert den Schlaf-Wach-Zyklus (Cajochen et al., 2003).
Verbessert die Schlafqualität und hilft auf natürliche Weise beim Einschlafen (Giménez et al., 2007).
Trägt zur Aufrechterhaltung des normalen Schlafes bei (Hirshkowitz et al., 2015).
Trägt zur Verbesserung der Stimmung bei (Young, 2007).
Trägt dazu bei, die subjektive Jetlag-Empfindung zu lindern (Waterhouse et al., 2007).
Zum Erhalt der normalen psychischen Funktionen (Benton, 2002).
Zhdanova, I.V., et al. (1996). "Melatonin treatment for age-related insomnia." Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Sack, R.L., et al. (2007). "Circadian rhythm sleep disorders: Part II, advanced sleep phase disorder." Sleep.
Cajochen, C., et al. (2003). "Evening administration of melatonin and bright light: Interactions on the EEG during sleep and wakefulness." Journal of Sleep Research.
Giménez, M.C., et al. (2007). "Effects of a pharmacological dose of melatonin on daytime sleep and performance after a delayed period of sleep during the night." Clinical Endocrinology.
Hirshkowitz, M., et al. (2015). "National Sleep Foundation’s sleep time duration recommendations: methodology and results summary." Sleep Health.
Young, S.N. (2007). "How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs." Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience.
Waterhouse, J., et al. (2007). "Jet lag: Trends and coping strategies." Lancet.
Nachhaltigkeit - Transparenz & Reinheit
Wir vom Heilarzneihaus haben uns verpflichtet, dir nur beste Qualität anzubieten.
Frei von allen weiteren Zusätzen und Hilfsstoffen
100 % Deklaration - alle Zutaten auf dem Label
Wir verwenden keine versteckten, nicht deklarationspflichtigen Hilfsstoffe
Ohne Trennmittel wie Magnesiumstearat und Siliciumdioxid
Ohne Farbstoffe wie Titanoxid
Ohne Süßungsmittel wie Aspartam, Dextrose oder Zuckeraustauschstoffe
Ohne Geliermittel wie Carrageen
Ohne Bindemittel wie PEG
Ohne künstliche Konservierungsstoffe wie Sorbinsäure
Frei von Nanopartikeln
Frei von Allergenen und unverträglichen Stoffen (Laktose, Gluten, Histamin)
Ohne Gentechnik
Herstellung in automatischen Maschinen mit niedrigen Laufgeschwindigkeiten, niedrigem Druck und niedrigen Temperaturen für optimalen Erhalt der Nährstoffe
pharmacy number
pharmacy number
deficiency symptoms
deficiency symptoms
duration of use
duration of use
Wenn nicht anders vom Arzt oder Apotheker verordnet, empfehlen wir eine regelmäßige Einnahme.
- Regular price
- €111,55
- Sale price
- €105,90
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